LIBRARY MEMBER SHIP: The teachers, students of the college can enroll them selves’ as members by filing application agreeing to abide by the rules. Borrower’s cards will be given to registered members only which are strictly non-transferable and are to be renewed every year.
A lost borrowers card/ticket, if found, should be immediately deposited in the library. Failure to do so, or its misuse, can lead to disciplinary action.Number of Books and Periodicals: The number of books a borrower can take and the period for which he/she can retain them is as follows:
Students ---- 03
Extra 2 books issues for secure above 80% of marks in previous semester
Extra 1 book issue for secure 70% - 80 % of marks in previous semester
Teaching Staff ------ 05
Duration of Loan:
Students ----- 15 days
Faculty ----- Semester
LIBRARY TIMINGS: The Library Opens from 7.00 A.M to 9.00 P.M in all working days. (Works beyond normal working hours on demand from students)
LIBRARY USE: The library is primarily intended for the students and staff of the college who can make use of library collections. Facilities and service are in accordance with rules. Others can use the library only with the special permission of the library committee.
ACESS TO LIBRARY DOCUMENTS: The readers have access to books and periodicals which are on the open Shelves. Textbooks, Reference books and dissertations can be consulted only in the assigned area.
SERVICES: Members are free to seek the assistance of library staff in selecting reading, digital materials, checking of references, searching of misplaced reading material etc.
OVER DUE CHARGES: Rs 1/- per book per day overdue charges are recovered for library material retained longer than the period of loan from all borrowers.
LOSS OF LIBRARY MATERIAL: Following charges are recovered from the borrowers for the loss on any library material
A)Books :
i) Double the Replacement / the current Price. The reader, however, is at liberty to replace the book within 15days.
ii) The cost of the complete set may have to be paid for the loss of a single volume if it is not available separately.
i) .Single Issue of Periodicals: Replacement within one months or double the cost.
ii) Bound Volume of Periodicals: Replacement within one month or four times the cost of the volume.
Loss of library tickets/membership card: Keeping of library ticket/membership card in good condition is solely the responsibility of the borrower. A duplicate Ticket/membership card is prepared on payment of Rs 75/- per ticket/membership card.
THEFT/TEARING PAGES OF DOCUMENTS:In case of theft or tearing pages of the Library Books/Documents, the replacement charge must be charged10 times the cost of the document subject to a maximum of Rs3000/- or cost of the book whichever is higher and person involved can be debarred from his/her library facilities depending upon the seriousness of the offence.


1 Every member who enters the library shall sign the gate register in token of his acceptance
2 No reader is allowed to sleep in the library
3 Readers shall vacate their seats 10 minutes before the closing time of the library.
4 Books on Special demand may be issued for shorter periods as decided by the Librarian
5 Books shall not be transferred by borrower to others.
6 Library lending ticket membership card and the identity Card is obligatory while visiting the Library. These cards must be produced on Demand by the Library staff.
7 A member of the Library who loses a ticket/ membership card shall make a written report to the Librarian.
8 Misuse of borrower’s ticket is punishable. A misused card will be cancelled.
9 Students are required to surrender their borrower cards/ tickets etc. to the circulation desk before leaving the Institute and only then they will be given ‘NO DUES CERTIFICATE’ from Library. If the card is lost, they have to pay an amount of Rs75/- per card.
10 Silence and order must be maintained at all times in and around the library.
11 All Personal belongings should be kept outside the Library at a particular place assigned for the purpose except Note Books
12 The Librarian and library staff is responsible for supervision and discipline in the library. They have the right to ask a person to leave the premises in case of misbehavior. In case of doubt, the Library staff can have a thorough search of Library user.
13 Outsiders are allowed to visit the library with prior written permission of the principal.
14 The latest borrower shall be responsible for any damage to the book/ periodical etc. Unless it has been pointed out at the time of issue.
15 Books shall be recalled and their issue shall be suspended during the period of stock checking.
16 i) Taking books out of the library without authorization, marking or underlining, or in anyway disfiguring and mutilating books, or library property is a misdemeanor, which may lead to withdrawal of library privileges, or in serious cases heavy fine and disciplinary action

ii) No reading material can be issued to a borrower not in possession of his or her library membership card, or if he or she is drawing books for others.
17 Changes of address and designation should be immediately reported at the circulation counter of the Library.
18 No library material borrowed may be got re-issued if it is not needed by another user. The borrower must get the Library reading material re-issued in person.
19 No library reading material would be considered returned until it has been returned properly to the library personal at circulation counter.
20 Violation of these rules of disciplined behavior in the library will lead to cancellation of membership and disciplinary action.
SUGGESTIONS: Members are free to recommend new books or Journals for the library and to suggest improvement in library services. Suggestions and recommendations, duly signed can be handed over to the librarian.