1.1 ExtendedProfileTemplates _AffiliatedCollege |
1.2 Number of self financed programmes offered by college
1.3 new programs introduced
2.1 No of students year wise during the last five years
2.2 Number of seats earmarked for reserved category as per
2.3Number of outgoing final year students year wise during
2.4Total number of outgoing final year students
3.1Number of teachers year wise during the last five years
3.2Number of full time teachers year wise during the last five
3.3 Number of sanctioned posts year wise during the last five years
3.4Total experience of full-time teachers
3.5Number of teachers recognized as guides during the last five years
3.6Number of full time teachers worked in the institution during
4.1 Total number of classrooms and seminar halls
4.2 Total Expenditure excluding salary year wise during the last
4.3 No of computers
4.4 Unit cost of education including the salary component
4.5 Unit cost of education excluding the salary component
1.3.3 Percentage of students undertaking field projects internships
2.1.3 No of actual students admited reserved categorys
2.3.3Ratio of students to mentor for academic and stress related issues
3.3.4Number of research papers per teacher in the Journals notified on UGC
3.3.5Number of books and chapters in edited volumesbooks published and
5.1.2Average percentage of students benefited by scholarships, freeships, etc.
5.3.1Number of awardsmedals for outstanding performance in sportscultural.
5.2.3Average percentage of students qualifying in statenational international
6.3.2Average percentage of teachers provided with financial support to attend
6.3.3Average number of professional development administrative training
6.3.4Average percentage of teachers attending professional development
6.5.3Average number of quality initiatives by IQAC for promoting quality