IPR 2016-17

IPR 2016-17


15-02-2017NEW DEVELOPMENT OF IPR(Intellectual Property Rights)2016-2017
DAY-1Venue : seminar Hall – 1( Dr.D.Srinivas rao )
09.00 AM-09.45 AMInaugural function
09.45 AM-10.15 AMTea Break
10.15 AM-11.30 AMTrademark law brought at per with international practices
11.30 AM-01.00 PMProtection to Geographical Indications Provided
01.00 PM-02.00 PMLUNCH
02.00 PM-03.00 PMCopyright Law Modified
03.00 PM-04.00 PMQuestionnaire
16-02-2017NEW DEVELOPMENT OF IPR(Intellectual Property Rights)2016-2017
DAY-2Venue : seminar Hall – 1( Prof. Sindhu )
10.00 AM-11.30 AMPatents Law more aligned with TRIPS
11.30 AM-12.00 PMProtection for Plant Varieties and Rights of Farmers established
12.00 PM-01.00 PMNew industrial Designs Law
01.00 PM-02.00 PMLUNCH
002.00 PM-02.45 PMTrade mark law
02.45 PM-03.15 PMInterface Cases On Intellectual Property And Competition
03.15 PM-03.45 PMSafeguarding Personality Rights; Protection and Enforcement Through Court System
03.45 PM-04.00 PMQuestionnaire